A place where ideas stir the waters of our mind.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Misunderstood Invitations, Part 2

I am not at all sure how faith in the life of a believer works.  People who have impressive credentials have done their best to explain it. Some argue that it is a completely supernatural gift of the Holy Spirit. Others contend that it is rooted in just "believing" what scripture says. 

These don't feel particularly satisfying to me.

Suppose someone I never met sent me letters telling me that they loved me so much, that they chose me to invest my life savings in their new venture.  In return, they guaranteed the plan would produce returns so massive - that I'd never have to work for anything again.  All I need to do is trust them and act now! Should I believe them on the basis of their letters?  Should I just wait until "goose bumps" cover my skin and a massive sense of "go for it" rises up in me? 

To me, faith is all about believing the one who is speaking with me because I know and trust the person speaking with me.  Ongoing, active faith means ongoing, active relationship.

The verse, "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God" is interesting.  In Greek, "Word of God" in this passage refers to something that is uttered or something spontaneously spoken by God.  It suggests active dialogue, speaking and listening - a conversation with God.  It implies the kind of relationship in which trust grows because I am getting to know God better as we interact on our journey together.

So what does this have to do with misunderstood invitations, and our discussion yesterday?

When Jesus invites us to allow Him to take the seeds of our dreams and plant them in the ground to die, it's hard to watch. It's almost impossible, unless we know the Gardener who tills the ground, sows the seed, and nurtures new growth. This isn't about trusting that the seeds will grow when I want them to.  This isn't about periodically digging up the seeds to see if they are sprouting, and then trying to replant them without damaging the seeds!

This is about knowing the Gardener who loves me and highly prizes the seeds we dream together. He is able to take the seeds of dreams, plant them in the ground and produce a great harvest. Even if I never see those seeds sprout - or grow into the dreams we shared - He will produce new growth in our relationship because of our experience. This is fruit that is satisfying, tasty and worth waiting for!

What kind of ripples are your seeds and dreams producing in you?


  1. Wow! Love your blog Ed. I am really enjoying reading your insights - thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for leaving a reply Sharon! Ed is in Amsterdam right now and his internet access is infrequent.. I'm sure he'll post his own message when he returns to the states!


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